Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Monogram + Stencil Assignment

The stencils I made after spraying them.

Hey everyone! Here's what I managed to come up with for the assignment. I haven't finished stencilling all my things but here's what my progress so far. I used spray paint and spray mount for all the items.

I sprayed it ombre/gradient style and was quite pleased with the result!

A5 folder!

graffiti style notebook


A4 clear files!

Sketchbook and a coaster

Cardboard artwork

— Hidayah

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Monogram Assignment Part 1

*blows off virtual dust on this blog*

For our major assignment, we were instructed to design a monogram.

Now... what IS a monogram? Most people refer to it as a simple logo, but there is much more to it. It requires a strong sense of spatial intelligence and a good eye for design to come up with. Its definition will tell you why this is so...

Here are progress shots from this week:

stencil cuttings!

laying out the cut pieces to see what it would look like.

initial sketches ft. Jamie's logo cameo

the rejected designs
Stencil tryouts:

Stay tuned for more!

— Hidayah

Monday, October 14, 2013

What's Your Square?

Something clockwork this way comes.

This is our second assignment since the self portrait. It was done over a span of two weeks with an in class activity, tutorial and finally, a presentation.

The assignment given required us to come up with a minimum of two paper cut outs. Each square had to be:
  • at least 6" x 6"
  • mounted on a minimum sized A3 board
  • cut out using a blade, and no pieces were to be thrown away
  • of a central theme with two artworks encompassing symmetry and movement

After spending a few minutes on the ideation process, I finally settled on my theme:


We were instructed to do a test run and this is what I came up with at the end of the day. This artpiece reflected movement, but had a bit of an element of symmetry.

I then came up with these designs: A revision of my first artwork, and a mechanical butterfly.

Since I finished my assignment early, I created a title card for my artwork and a third cut out which had both symmetry and movement, but focused more on compositional balance and playing around with the fulcrum.

Here's my display! Credits to Farah :)

— Hidayah