Sunday, March 10, 2013

Lesson 3: Composition (Rule Of Thirds)

This assignment was completed over a span of two weeks, with an assignment review at the end of the first week, followed by the video presentation and critique. Not much presentation was required for week 2, all we had to do was introduce ourself and mention our subject matter. Our composition, photography and video editing skills were put to the test for this assignment. The subject matter I chose to photograph were 'Animals'. Due to bandwith limits, I cannot upload the images on this post, but the embed video above should suffice! Do watch it in HD, because a lot of details were lost as during the video rendering. (Maybe a Dropbox folder will be uploaded soon, just in case.)

We were told to make use of a cardboard frame (see above) to help with the composition. Unfortunately, I didn't bring my wide angle lens to the zoo, so the frame could not be photographed, and used the built in 3x3 grid to make sure that the composition of the photographs were balanced. I was subtly reprimanded for not meeting the assignment requirement in that sense, but it served as a good learning experience for me as a student. Luckily, the built-in grids and my amateur compositional instincts worked to my advantage and most of my photographs were approved. I made use of the remaining week to reshoot the other pictures with a more suitable lens.

Some outtakes (to practise using the frame while shooting with my heavy DSLR with one hand. It was no easy feat!) featuring my gorgeous coursemates:

— Hidayah

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